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Adams County Prosecutor Urges Brad Little to Rescind Idaho Stay Home Order

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Adams County prosecutor Christopher Boyd recently sent an open letter to Governor Brad Little, asking him to rescind his unconstitutional stay-at-home order. Christopher Boyd should be supported and applauded by all Idaho citizens.

His letter, which he posted on his Facebook page, argues that the order issued on March 25 infringes on Idahoans' First Amendment rights, including the rights to peacefully assemble and free exercise of religion. He also notes that he is concerned that restricting travel within the state infringes on a due process clause of the Fifth Amendment.

In his letter he writes, "I cannot in good conscience enforce it and I urge you to rescind it or let it expire on April 15, 2020, as it is currently set…In my belief, I cannot, under my oath to uphold the constitutions of the United States and State of Idaho, charge any person with a misdemeanor under Idaho Code 56-1003(7) who has not been afforded procedural due process," Boyd wrote. "While I agree with and support taking prudent steps such as social distancing, enhanced hygiene, and voluntary stay-home advisories, we must curtail government overreach in whatsoever circumstance it presents itself."

Click on the image below to download a copy of his letter in PDF format.

We also encourage everyone to contact Christopher Boyd and thank him for doing the right thing!
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