Representative Heather Scott Lays Out the Case Against Brad Little
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Earlier today, Representative Heather Scott from District 1 in Idaho, sent out an email laying out the case against Governor Brad Little. Her complete email can be seen here. However, on this page we at least want to re-post her comprehensive factual arguments against the Governor's actions:
The following actions of the governor are cause for alarm and concern and call for intervention, oversight and possible legal action:
The following actions of the governor are cause for alarm and concern and call for intervention, oversight and possible legal action:
- Our governor declared several “state of emergencies” and has declared an “extreme emergency” using Idaho’s Martial Law code 46-601 for his actions (LINK).
- Our governor has used his staff to enforce unconstitutional stay-at-home orders in public settings and to intimidate businesses and churches to close their doors. He has treated citizens unequally by proclaiming that some businesses are essential, some are not, and that no churches are essential. This violates Amendment 5 of the U.S. Constitution which states that, “No person shall … be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law … without just compensation.”
- Our governor has ignored separation of powers as defined in Article 2 Section 1 and has, with a stroke of his pen, re-written election and changed or suspended many other other laws and policies. (LINK)
- Our governor has initiated and intends to implement a mandatory statewide “test, trace and isolate” program and has stated publicly that “we will not be back to normal until we have a vaccination”. Contact tracing and quarantine requirements harass and restrict the movement of individuals or families based on personal prejudices such as religion, race, or political affiliation while never getting to the root any such health emergency.
- Our governor’s actions were taken at a time when the following facts existed: ZERO Idaho residents under the age of 50 had died or were assumed to have died of Covid-related issues, 33 of Idaho’s 44 counties (75%) had experienced ZERO Covid-related deaths, and at NO time during the US peak of the novel coronavirus infections were ANY of Idaho’s healthcare systems near or at the point of being overrun past their capacity to treat patients.
- Our governor has made, to date, 20 executive orders and proclamations and 52 announcements and has removed many of the administrative rules including important rules designed to protect children taken from their families by Child Protective Services-CPS. (LINK)
- Our governor continues to set up committees of his cronies and selected bureaucrats to plan policy decisions for Idahoan while ignoring shouts for the legislature to return for an extraordinary session to provide oversight and a voice for constituents. His most recent appointments include a new public schools re-opening committee. All this at the expense of the taxpayer.
- Our governor is continuing to make unilateral decisions and has made it clear to the legislature that he doesn’t want, need, or have time for the legislative body’s input in his decision making. He regards his 30 minute-per-week conference call with legislators as sufficient to meet constitutional and statutory requirements. He brags of collaborating with other surrounding states’ governors and has told our county commissioners they should consider reaching out to other state’s commissioners to share information and get ideas. (Hopefully he is not suggesting our Idaho city mayors reach out to Seattle city mayor for any bright ideas!)
- Shortly after the legislature adjourned from the 2020 session, the governor set our constitution aside, turned a deaf ear to the legislature and began to appoint his handpicked group of overseers (LINK) to assist him in the destruction of our private industry-based economy and the reconstruction of our new government handout driven economy through the distribution of Idaho’s $1.53 billion federal CARES Act dollars. Our Governor is currently appropriating these federal tax dollars with the associated policies, which is not a power delegated to the executive branch.
- Our governor has funded the Covid-19 tracking/tracing/surveillance program using $7 million from the CARES Act. (Here is a link to this task force’s 37-page plan to test trace and track citizens.)
- Our governor has recently unilaterally approved an unsustainable plan of redistribution of wealth by paying unemployment recipients a “go-back-to-work bonus” of $1500 each with our tax dollars. (LINK)
Thank you, Representative Scott, for your tireless efforts in Idaho, to advance the cause of freedom and liberty!