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HYPOCRITE - Brad Little Doesn't Wear Masks in Public

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Thursday, October 29th 2020

Governor Brad Little at an elite party in Stanley Idaho puts a mask on for a photo-shoot, then takes it off to enjoy the company. In-fact, no one at the party is found wearing a mask except during the photo-op.
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Is Governor Little aware that people are being arrested for not wearing masks in public meetings? Is he not informed about how destructive his Emergency Order is upon the lives of Idahoans? Does Governor Little care at all about the people of Idaho?
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Obviously Governor Little, nor his elite friends, believe they need protection from catching a "highly contagious deadly virus". So, why does the Idaho Governor in public push obedience to lock-downs, closing business, church restrictions and wearing masks... and then in less publicized settings go on with his life as normal, un-masked? Why does he keep the State of Idaho under his arbitrary Emergency Orders when he does not subscribe to the emergency himself?

Could it be POWER & MONEY rather than safety?

Yes... in order for the Office of the Governor to receive billions of Federal Emergency Funds, and in order for Little to have full control over those funds, Idaho must remain in an officially State of Emergency. This is the sole reason why Governor Little has kept Idaho in an Emergency status and under his orders for so long.

By his own actions Governor Little must not believe the people of Idaho are in grave danger from a deadly virus. He obviously is not concerned about "Covid-19".

Make no mistake about it, Governor Little wearing a mask (or not) should be his choice; he is his own man. However, it's the force and double-standard upon others for federal funding that is disturbing!

Go to the link below for more pictures and reports on Governor Little's hypocrisy.

Written by Ammon Bundy (original article here)

Also, see this report on Keep Idaho Free.